Sunday, December 12, 2010

"I think you might be a kindred spirit after all."

I stayed home from church sick today.

I felt poorly last night, but when I woke up, my sore throat, headache, and all over body ache let me know I wouldn't be doing anything I had planned on today.

Sickness can't be too horrible, though, when you get to crochet on the couch all day  and watch an old favorite movie.

For me, that's Anne of Green Gables.

When I was a little girl, my best friend Em's family owned Anne of Green Gables, and every time I got sick, either her mom or my mom would make the 5 block trek to borrow it for me.  We did that for about ten years before they moved to San Diego.  Ever since then, I just had to tough it without Anne.

Our first married Christmas, though, the complete set of Anne of Green Gables was sitting under our tree, with a love note from my husband.  He had never seen the movies before.  Apparently, I talked about them enough!

For me, it wasn't just the movie.  Mom gave the the complete series when I was 8.  I read straight through them, and have gone back and read each one at least three times since.  Yes, I have my favorites, and I've read them many more times.  There's just something about L.M. Montgomery's writing.  It makes me think that I belong on Prince Edward Island.

Jesse is off at our 12 hour Sunday at church without me.  I'm thankful for this time to rest.  Tomorrow will be pretty difficult if I'm not feeling better.  But I'm glad that I got a day to relax with my hot tea, my slew of gifts to crochet, and, really, an old friend.



  1. Oh how I love Anne Shirley. I've been to Prince Edward Island, to L.M. Montgomery's grave site, seen Green Gables and walked through Anne's room, and rode on Matthew's carriage. All of PEI is breathtaking! It was every bit as wonderful as it sounds in the books! Definitely bucket list material, in my opinion!

  2. That must have been amazing! I'm sooo envious, Paris! It's definitely on my bucket list. I would love to do that!

    My grandma went to PEI as part of a cruise, but had never read the books until she returned (even though I've been encouraging her to read them for YEARS!) Once she read them, she felt like she had missed out on the entire trip!


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