My name is Bethany.

My handsome husband and I are living out our happily ever after in the foothills of Southern California.
We love each other and we love our Lord.
I love cooking and decorating for him, and he loves holding me and making me laugh.
It's a pretty great life.
Our newest, most wonderful blessing is our sweet daughter,
Kayleigh Grace.

She brightens our days and melts our hearts. I am loving being a mom!
This blog is where I record the dreams that are fulfilled daily with my best friend, the joys of staying at home with my lil Munchkin, my adventures in the kitchen as I pursue healthy and appetizing dishes, craft projects that pop into my head, and moments that make me laugh, cry, contemplate, or any mix of the three.
Want to contact me? Please send me a note! bethany@happyhomemaker.me