My papa was a kind, generous man with a laugh that shook the walls. He was the kind of man who would go sit and keep his neighbor's dog company while the man went to the doctor. He was the man who put a vase of garden roses on the breakfast tray he brought in to my Ami every morning. He was the reason I never took my car to a mechanic up until 3 years go. But, this wonderful, loving man had no room in his heart for God. The grandfather who raised my dad (currently a pastor of 19 years) denied Christ up until two days before his death. I praise God every time I think about how He saved my Papa and brought him home to Him at last. I'm so thankful!
It's a beautiful testimony of our Father's love, His patience, and His provision. You can read it here.
I wish Papa Chuck had gotten to meet Kayleigh. He would have loved her. I can picture his hearty laugh as he would chuckle at her cute expressions, or the way his strong mechanic's hands would look holding her soft, pink skin.
He was a wonderful grandfather. What a blessing it was to have him for 23 years of my life. Thank you, God!
[caption id="attachment_1328" align="aligncenter" width="290" caption="Papa holding me in his front yard, c 1987"]