Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy First Father's Day, Handsome Man!

Dear Jesse,

It's been a year since I gave you this tiny pink outfit two days after we found out we were having a girl.
(It's been hanging in her closet awaiting this very day!)

What a beautiful year it has been!

To watch you go from a young guy with no baby experience to becoming a dad who is so natural that no one believes you had never changed a diaper before our sweet girl came along.

The first time you held her, it was love at first sight.  And watching that love grow has been one of my greatest blessings this year.

She is Daddy's Girl, no doubt about it.  My heart swells with joy to see how much she loves you.

I pray that she always wants to be like her daddy.  I can't imagine a more loving, selfless model for her.

Happy 1st Father's Day, Handsome Man.  I can't wait to celebrate many more with you!

♥ B

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Your sweet comments make my day! Thank you for coming to visit ♥