Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Favorite Babysitter: Skype

What's a momma to do when Bible study is in 45 minutes, the kitchen is a wreck, the cookies are burning, and you've got a teething baby who cries every time you put her down?

Time to call in reinforcements!  A high chair, a computer, and a Grammy on Skype is all it takes to make my girl smile like this:

Listening to my mom sing to Kayleigh and make her laugh with glee makes me so thankful that even when she can't be here holding Kayleigh, she can still be with us through Skype and turn my sad little baby into one happy girl.


  1. Skype and Face Time are the bees knees! I don't know what we would do without them. :)

    1. I wish I had Face Time! It sounds really great. I think I'm locked in to at least another year of my DumbPhone, though :)

  2. Mark and I think this is genius.

  3. So cute! I do Skype a lot with my nieces who live in Maryland - it's actually how we did my sister-in-law's baby shower! Skype is pretty awesome!

    1. We love Skype! It's the perfect way to share cute babies long distance :) That's so cute that you used it for the baby shower! What did people do before this stuff came out?!?

  4. This is absolutely brilliant! Man, I wish Skype had been around when my kids were babies. Now they're old enough that I have to ask them, "Hey, can you show me how to use Skype after you help me turn off the red light on the VCR?" (At which point they remind me we don't have a VCR, it's a DVR, and would I please pay attention this time while they explain it.)

  5. Oh my heck is this cute! How sweet is your little one and the fact that you can skype with grandma is so fun!

  6. We LOVE Skyping with grandma! However I wish she would sit in her chair....instead I'm trying to keep her from attacking the computer and in view so my mom can see her. Its like a game.


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